Content Marketing & Creative Campaign Services
As a multi-award winning content marketing consultant, my creative campaigns have a proven track record of providing bottom-line returns for the companies I work with. The content I produce can be used to help boost your brand awareness or strategically focused and aligned with SEO outcomes to have a long-term impact on your company.
Having produced hundreds of infographics, I create thematically relevant and in-depth content with unique angles and hooks to interest your target audience.
Having analysed and published data on Moz regarding surveys, I know their effectiveness at generating talking points that put your brand at the heart of the content.
Working with developers and designers, I can develop large-scale interactive content to act as an anchor for your brand and engage journalists and potential customers.
Content Optimisation
Make your existing content work harder by utilising data to find new opportunities for driving more organic traffic and improving engagement signals for increased conversions.
Content marketing that achieves ROI
Too often content is produced with a focus on soft metrics. Instead, content should be produced and able to drive revenue to a business. The content I create is stategically placed to funnel value through to the highest opportunity areas on your domain to improve sales directly and through organic search.
Some publications my clients have been featured in…